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What are the requirements for the braking distance of the trolley electric locomotive?


What is the braking distance of the trolley electric locomotive? What are the requirements?

The braking distance of the trolley electric locomotive refers to the distance from the start of braking to the complete stop of the trolley electric locomotive, which includes two parts-braking idle travel and actual braking distance.

The braking idle travel is the "reaction" time of the trolley electric locomotive. It exists for a short period of time from the driver turning the handwheel or stepping on the foot brake to the braking device taking effect. During this short period of time, the electric locomotive is still running at the original speed, so it is called the braking idle travel.

The actual braking distance is the distance from when the braking device takes effect to the complete stop of the trolley electric locomotive. That is, the minimum braking distance of a trolley electric locomotive, even if the response of a trolley electric locomotive has zero delay, the braking distance needs to be at least this long.

General regulations require that the maximum braking distance of the trolley locomotive when transporting personnel cannot exceed 20 meters, and when transporting materials and equipment, the maximum braking distance cannot exceed 40 meters.