The ZQ-26 pneumatic ore mucking machine is suitable for working in horizontal excavation roadways with a gauge of 600 mm, a roadway height of 2.25 meters or more, a roadway width of 1.8 to 2.5 meters, and a slope of less than 8 C. The range of loaded
The ZQ-26 pneumatic ore mucking machine is suitable for working in horizontal excavation roadways with a gauge of 600 mm, a roadway height of 2.25 meters or more, a roadway width of 1.8 to 2.5 meters, and a slope of less than 8 °C.
The range of loaded materials is wide, and it can be loaded with various hard rocks and ores. The maximum size of the loaded rock can reach 500 mm, but the rock size in the range of 200 to 300 mm is the best.
The pneumatic rock loader has a compact structure, convenient and reliable operation, good sealing performance, and dust and moisture resistance. Due to the use of compressed air, the power source can work in an environment with gas and flammable gas.