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CTY5/6G Model Mine electric battery locomotive,underground 5 ton narrow gauge locomotive


China Source Lcomotive Factory Sell CTY5/6G model mine battery locomotive, the total weight is 5 ton, the traction capacity is about 50 ton.

 what does underground 5 ton narrow gauge locomotive consist of ?

The 5 ton electric battery locomotive is mainly composed of two parts: the mechanical part and the electrical system.

Mechanical part: The mechanical part of the electric locomotive consists of the frame, running device, spring device, brake device, sand spreading device, ceiling, buffer device, seat, cover and other parts.

Electrical system: The electrical equipment making up the electrical system mainly includes: 

DXT90/385 explosion-proof special type power supply device; 

LBD-160/250 mine explosion-proof plug connector;

 ZBQ-8 mine explosion-proof DC traction motor; 

ZBT- 2X120 /96 Mine flameproof chopper speed governor; 

DGY12/110LX(A) mine flameproof LED locomotive lighting signal lamp; 

DLEC-24 mine encapsulated electronic horn.

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