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What are the Safety Precautions for Operating 7 Ton Trolley Wire Locomotives?


What are the Safety Precautions for Operating 7 Ton Trolley Wire Locomotives?

Operating a 7 ton trolley wire locomotive is a crucial task that demands a high level of responsibility and safety awareness. To ensure safe operation, drivers should adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Monitor Bearing Temperature:

Closely monitor the temperature of the axle boxes, motor bearings, and gearbox bearings to prevent overheating and damage.

Be alert to burning smells, a common indicator of overheating bearings.

Regularly check the bearing lubricant, ensuring it is sufficient and meets specifications.

2. Inspect Brake System:

Regularly inspect the wear and tear of the brake shoes, promptly replacing or adjusting them as needed.

Ensure the brake system functions properly and the braking distance meets the required standards.

Regularly clean the brake system of dust and grease to maintain its effectiveness.

3. Promptly Address Electrical Equipment Malfunctions:

Upon detecting any malfunctions in electrical equipment, lighting fixtures, or the horn, immediately cease operation and send the locomotive to the depot for repairs.

Refrain from operating a locomotive with electrical faults to prevent safety hazards.

4. Strictly Implement Shift Change Procedures:

During shift handover, the outgoing driver should conduct a comprehensive inspection of the locomotive, including:

Checking bearing temperature, brake system, electrical equipment, etc.

Inspecting the locomotive's exterior for any damage.

Listening for any abnormal sounds within the locomotive.

Record the inspection details in the shift handover logbook to inform the next shift.

5. Additional Safety Precautions:

Strictly adhere to the mine's safety regulations.

Familiarize oneself with the locomotive's operating procedures and maintenance practices.

Regularly participate in safety training and drills to enhance safety awareness and emergency response skills.

By strictly following these safety precautions, drivers can effectively prevent accidents while operating 7 ton trolley wire locomotives, ensuring their own safety and the well-being of others.